Super thanks to Melissa Franklin from D.C. She took a bunch of awesome photos (which I stole) and some great video too which you can see on her facebook.
Here's her livejournal since I don't know how to send a link to a person's Facebook... stupid Facebook...
To see the photos, look on the side of the page.
Date | Event |
Sept 24, 2015 | This Thursday at the 40th anniversary convention!![]() |
If you have a venue for the Rocky Horror Puppet Show, email me! ^_^ | | |
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
AC Con 2008
Wow. What a great con. My hats off to Larry and the others for putting on a spectacular convention. Also, a very special thanks to Liz for organizing the puppet show and doing an amazing job. Finally, congratulations to Sarah, Jean, and Lou for helping me put on a great puppet show and Raab for filming.
As I've posted in my livejournal (javadave4), my favorite part of the show is its context within the entire convention. It was the smallest part of the con which is logical, since my cast is the smallest cast (in heights).
The puppet show is constantly evolving much like Rocky itself. Some things work really well and other not as much. Please use this post to tell us what you liked and things that perhaps did not hit their marks. Here's some compliments and suggestions we've gotten so far:
good audience interaction
people liked Dr. Sock (as always, the paper bag transies, and googly-eye letters
people love the kick line
My James Brown impersonation when I saved the audience from collapsing curtain certain doom
use more stage more often
excerpts might be more appropriate
work on hitting the cues
redo "censored" sign
Please let me know what you thought. ^_^
Finally, I've sent a special apology to a special someone. I don't want to delve into it without further permission from this person. I'm glad that he/she seemed to enjoy the show. It was certainly a great honor performing. Ciao all.
Posted by
Friday, September 26, 2008
AC Con puppet show
Last night we finished our AC 2008 con show. I hope people really enjoyed it. Of course, much pictures and videos will follow. Thanks to all those that filmed and took pictures (my brother included). And of course thanks to Larry for putting this on and to Liz for being an incredible organizer. I'm sorry I forget to give my thinks to these two after the show.
I'll also have some more important matters to discuss in the next few days.
I'll be back at the con on Sat. See you all then.
Posted by
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I can't believe how fast AC con has come up. I'm really hoping we put on a good show. Please come and enjoy.
Posted by
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
a sad commentary
"It's a sad fact for you, my friends, that people just don't take puppets seriously."
Mike Mcleod
Posted by
Friday, August 15, 2008
Woodshole Rocky Show
Last night Little'r Nell and I went and checked out the Woodshole Theater Rocky Horror Show and had a great time. I was a little hesitant to call out lines but did some the 1st half. At intermission the cast told me I could go crazy so I participated a little more after that. Still, I censored myself greatly based on the Woodsholey folks around me. I almost yelled out some pretty raunchy stuff. Perhaps, I'll be feeling it more the performance next Sat.
Afterwards, I chilled with Tom (Riff) at a pub, had a drink, and sang Karioki (Long Skirt, Short Jacket).
Anyway, for any cast reading this, I had a great time and I'll post some more pictures soon. And thanks to Don (I think) who produced and was very welcoming.
Posted by
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I'll be heading out to the Woodshole Theater production of The Rocky Horror Show.
I'm going to be there this Thursday and hopefully during it's final weekend.
...I think Littler Nell may join me ^_^.
Posted by
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Larry, Kate, and Dave at RKO Army
This past weekend, Larry, Kate, and I visited the East Bridgewater, MA RKO Army cast. We all really enjoyed the show. Columbia Puppet also joined us and has now been renamed "Littler Nell". Hopefully, I can a work out a show with them in the future. Thanks for the great show and late-night IHOP time guys!!!
Posted by
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The Evolving Experience
When the puppet show concept began to form, me and others came up with the various incarnations of the shows. Here's the list:
1. Strait puppet show with audio and/or simultaneous video
3. Puppets performed as a role in a live cast show
2. Puppet show performed concurrently with a live cast performed show
At this time, 1 and 2 have been done. We have only done a single strait show so far but it was incredible. However, performing with the various casts has been a learning experience. I don't think they have gone as smoothly as I would like them to. Perhaps it is my (or our) lack of blocking with a cast... or maybe the puppets represent a mood that doesn't quite fit with some live casts.
I go back to the old Muppet Show days when Sylvester Stallone was punching the muppet punching back or John Wayne rode a muppet horse. Those actors on their own were just acting silly so the muppets were really the medium of the entertainment. Does performing with a live cast place too little attention on the puppets? Maybe a live person performing with 9 other puppets would be better (like in Sesame Street). Perhaps it isn't really worth performing with live casts.
Posted by
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Full Body Cast meets Brad Puppet
I went up to Cambridge last night to check out the Full Body Cast
I introduced them to Brad and Janet Puppets and was asked if Brad Puppet wanted to perform Crim that night. How could I resist? Thanks for the fun time gang. I think their Janet had the best performance of the night. Go see their show.
Posted by
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
The Rocky Horror Puppet Show will be performing at the Atlantic City Rocky Horror Con, September 25-27th!
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